2012 Medford Lakes Men's Softball Archives


 DOGGZ do it again and win against RoadKill 

2012 Champs Doggz

2012 Award Winners:

2012 Cy Young- Best Pitcher:  Bryan Livingston: Doggz

2012 Rookie of the Year:  Sean Ross- Farmers

2012 Gold Glove winners:  Ralph Vanaman- Doggz , Justin Daley- Stew, Mike Collins- Doggz, Rob Countess- Blazing Cannons, Ernie Ley- RoadKill


Stew:  Joe Schlindwein, Pete Loreaux, Brett Summerville

Doggz: Ralph Vanaman, Bryan Livingston, Dan Schaeffer

RoadKill: Anthony Amato, Rich Ross, DJ Brown

Farmers: Bill Heddendorf, Sean Ross, Joe Lutricuso

Blazing Cannons: Rob Countess, Doc Emery, Van Kapeghian


Guns & Hoses: Ron Tuczak, Karl Baumbach, Troy Chenier

Bryan Livingston 2012 Cy Young Winner
Mike Collins 2012 Golden Glove Winner

2012  Year End Community Party

 2012 League Stats ( Teams and Players)    

2012 Standings- Season -Team Stats

 Overall StandingsTeam recordRecordSeason PlacePlayoff RecordOverall record 
       Vandelay Industries4-86th                1-25th 
       Blazing Cannons4-85th1-26th 
       Guns & Hoses1-117th                 0-27th 

2012 Player Stats-Season –playoffs not included

 PlayersAvg. AB min of 20 Player – DoublesPlayer – Triples


Player – HR’sThe “K” List- incl. foul outs
 Ralph Vanaman.839 Rob Countess-9Ralph Vanaman -31Dan Schaeffer-8Kevin Chappell-2
 Dan Schaeffer.732 Kevin McConnell-8Bryan Livingston-22Rob Countess-5Brent Blanchard-2
 Lee Emery.688 Dan Schaeffer-6Rob Countess-23Bill Steffen-5Mike Collins-2
 Kevin McConnell..684 Mike Collins -5Jack Schaub-24Jack Schaub-4Lou Stephan-1
 Rob Countess.660 Bryan Livingston-5Alllen Adams-25Mike Collins-3Jack Schaub-1
 Brian Livingston.634 Brent Blanchard-4Mike Collins-26Ross Stern-3Tom Healy-1
 Jack Schaub.625 Jack Schaub-4Frank Fiorelli-17Bob Roth-2Scott Chappell-1
 Joe Sorino.613 Dan Nixon-2Van Kapegian-18Kevin Ross-2

Lee Emery-1

 Mike Collins.595 Aaron Harty-2Dan Schaeffer-19Allen Adams 2Jeff Marchitello-1
 Frank Fiorelli.561 Scott Chappell-2Bill Aldridge-110Van Kapegian-2Chris Countess-1
      11Frank Fiorelli-1

Aaron Harty-1

     Many more with  112Brent Blanchard-1 

Joe Sorino-1

    Many more with  1 14  
      16Many more with  1 

Please do not bring or drink alcohol at the fields or Colony property


Individual players: Top players in each category….This stats section will only work if the information is E-mailed to this site.

If you are not listed it is because it was not sent……. 

The 2012 Commissioner is Scott Kentrus